Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tawkin' English.

Two American instructors are currently in Japan helping out Aimachi. It's kind of nice to be speaking english at a normal speed again (though I still catch myself not speaking in complete sentences and randomly adding the word "maybe" to definitive answers).

Mitch Rogers is the drill writer at Aimachi, Bluecoats, as well as Troopers (the corps I'm teaching at this summer). So it's been cool getting to know him a little and to talk about how teaches and writes and such.

Today was the monthly Tenri festival, which means that Chris and I need to stay out of the dorm house for about four or five hours to make room for the guest speakers. We could go to the festival (a lot of praying and speeches), but five hours of listening to speeches in another language might get a little excessive.

Fortunately Coz gave Mitch money to go to lunch with Chris and I. So we took the bike over to the "mansion" (they refer to any larger than average sized apartment as a mansion) that Mitch was staying at and went out to a Ramen eatery. I'm not a huge fan of the prepackaged ramen noodles in America...but oh my god, the authentic stuff is unbelievable! Ramen noodle soup is one of my favorite meals I've had over here.

During lunch Mitch was telling us about his 11 month trip around the world that he took 17 years ago. I've been thinking about doing a year around the world trip for awhile now and this motivated me even further. It would be a lot of money to save up...but obviously well worth it. Hmmmmm.

Ok, gotta run. If anyone wants to send me a bright yellow tshirt...I'll be your best friend. I bought a Korean national soccer team jersey when I was in Seoul and I've been looking for a yellow undershirt or collared button up to go with it. Help.



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