Friday, November 24, 2006

I am dying.

I am so sick. But I'm getting I think it's just one of the 24 hour things. It happened last night (Thanksgiving) during rehearsal...and so I went to bed feeling awful...woke up...and it was awful.

To quote Dane Cook, I felt like a "vomit breathing dragon." In fact, I'm going to find that link tonight and post it on here because it's a really funny skit...and SO true (it chronicles what you feel like when you are about to - and are - throwing up).

Talking about it is making me sick, though...but the good news is that since I can't really do anything except sleep (though I am going to try out rehearsal tonight)...and I've already slept about 16 hours today...I should have some time to blog tonight.

Until then, goodbye. Hope your Thanksgiving was great!


Blogger Matt said...

If you would have actually read the blog, I said I was going to rehearsal! I didn't miss a second of it, thank you very much! :)

6:52 AM  

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