An excuse...and then a very quick entry about the 3, 5, 7 tradition.
Hey! I've got a ton of stories to catch you up on...but alas, we are getting ready for semifinals in a week and we've been upping the rehearsal time.
I've been to Italian Villages, Japanese ports, aquariums, mastering the Nagoya subway system, out drinking and eating ridiculous amounts of Korean food while screaming for chocolate cake on a friday night, and a bunch of other adventures.
Unfortunately, I'm too busy to do those stories justice. Here's a quick one...a Tenri tradition is to have a celebration and prayer service for children who turned 3, 5, or 7 years well as adults who turned 70. I just happened to be awake early one morning when I noticed that everyone was running around in kimonos and suits and ties and whatnot. So I asked what was going on and Caizo Son told me the ceremony.
This was actually a good opportunity to bring my camera inside the church (I'm always nervous about taking pictures during the actual prayer now you can see a picture or two of the inside where all of the services at Aikiyo are held.
Anyways...I've got to run back to rehearsal, stories and LOTS of pictures to come soon, I promise!

I've been to Italian Villages, Japanese ports, aquariums, mastering the Nagoya subway system, out drinking and eating ridiculous amounts of Korean food while screaming for chocolate cake on a friday night, and a bunch of other adventures.
Unfortunately, I'm too busy to do those stories justice. Here's a quick one...a Tenri tradition is to have a celebration and prayer service for children who turned 3, 5, or 7 years well as adults who turned 70. I just happened to be awake early one morning when I noticed that everyone was running around in kimonos and suits and ties and whatnot. So I asked what was going on and Caizo Son told me the ceremony.
This was actually a good opportunity to bring my camera inside the church (I'm always nervous about taking pictures during the actual prayer now you can see a picture or two of the inside where all of the services at Aikiyo are held.
Anyways...I've got to run back to rehearsal, stories and LOTS of pictures to come soon, I promise!

Wow...only took you FIVE WEEKS!
Yeahhhh, I've had moshi...but not the dessert kind. I haven't seen the dessert variety, actually...but the regular kind is one of only two food items I haven't liked since I've been here.
I may have had the dessert moshi under a different name. Who knows.
Anyway, I'll IM you the next time we're online and we'll catch up. I'm going on a nice two hour run tomorrow. Should be good!
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