Friday, November 10, 2006

Cute little buggers

I'm too tired to right an entry without falling asleep. I'm relying on these adorable children to keep you interested in my blog until I wake up and give you a proper entry about my day. These kids are especially wonderful because they dont' really cry (except for Hibeke's occasional outburst). Instead...they wreak havoc on me by confiscating my digital camera and taking pictures, taking the bookmark out of book, or taking my hood and putting it over my eyes.

Toting Hibeke around in a box. Like a pet turtle.

The above picture is of Kio and myself. I've mentioned him a few times in my blog as he and I hang out often.

These girls are my baton teacher. The first time I met them, we were at the church service and tehy were with about 25 other kids roughly their age. They started talking to me and climbing all over me. I could only respond with "Wakade masen." Which means "I don't understand." They thought this was especially funny and kept talking to me...prompting a similar response from me...and then them. It was a vicious cycle. I eventually broke it with "Hajime mashte, Matto desu." Which means, "Nice to meet you, I am Matt."

Apparently, instead of "Matto," they heard "Macodanoalds." So of course they started running around the church, completely out of control, yelling "MACODANOALDS!! MACODANOALDS!! MACODANOALDS!!!"

Then they saw Chris, who introduced himself in a similar way. "Hajime mashte, Chris desu."


"Santa san (Mr. Santa)?" one of them asked.


Thankfully they now call me Matto instead of Macodanoalds. Chris wasn't as likely. He will ever be known as "Santa San." Not even by the little kids anymore, either. When he's on the other team in baseball, we'll try to psyche him out by jeering, "Sannnnnta sannn...sannnnta sannn..."

You'll be pleased to know that Kio is taking this picture. I've saved some of his other works on my computer and, when I get home and show you, you'll agree that this is one of his more impressive shots.

Hibeke hopes you have a great day!


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