Wash The Stones?!?! WHAT THE?!?!?!?!
Yesterday (Wednesday) was the first kind of "just hang around Aichiyo" day we've had since getting here.
It actually started at about 9AM with Mitchi busting into our room and bobbing around like a boxer about to start a prize fight.
Mitchi: "C'mon, it's a long walk to the farm today!"
Matt: ...rolling over...opening eyes... "I hate you so much right now..."
I thought the day was beautiful, it was probably in the high 50's. It was cold the night before also while we were at the Nagoya Airport...it was funny because this was Hell to Hatchan and the Thai guys. Mate said this was the coldest weather he'd ever felt (high 50's!!!). They were all huddled together and wrapped up in their winter coats. Chris and I laughed because to us, this is nothing...Chris pointed out that in New York it snowed last year in the middle of November. This is actually my favorite time of the year...and the best part about it (and the biggest difference from Ithaca) is that it's still sunny when it's cold!
We were done on the farm by 10:30AM and I thought we might actually be done with work for the day...boy was I wrong.
Junt always jokes around with me saying, "Wait until you get to wash the stones." I THOUGHT he was joking around with me.
Next job...wash the stones. They're rocks??? They're supposed to get dirty...that's what they do! Rocks sit on the ground and collect dirt. If you don't want to get dirty...you don't touch the rocks! When you're done touching rocks, you should wash your hands with soap...BECAUSE THEY'RE DIRTY.
Not here, though. It was a long, grueling process that took maybe three and a half hours. Actually, it wasn't that bad because there were seven us....and a hose...and the weather was cold...so we made a good time out of it.
Here's a picture of Chris and I...cleaning the rocks!

Here is Chris, Lung, Palm, and myself next to one of our more impressive accomplishments of the day. You could eat your lunch off of that thing, it's so clean!

Speaking of lunch and cleaning...we did get a small break to eat. Today's lunch was a noodle soup, with some tuna (and some sort of spicy flavoring), and then papaya - which is delicious - for dessert. Author's Note: Mom, if you could take note of the things I say I love...maybe make a list and then start making them on a regular basis so you are well practiced upon my return...that would be wonderful. Grandma, you can help. Thank you.
Anytime we're done eating, we go into the kitchen and usually clean what we've used in an assembly line type fashion. One person with the soap and sponge, one person rinsing, and an army of dryers and stackers. Here's a smaller group than usual...Mate, myself, Chris, Umeo, and Peng.

After lunch, it was back outside. We had to finish cleaning the rocks, take care of the bridge, and erect a scaffolding so that some of the ladies could come out and prune later in the day. Here's Peng, Mate, and Chris doing said tasks in the garden.

After we finished working, the Thai guys wanted to go to a mini-mart to pick up a few things. They asked if we wanted to go and I was craving chocolate, so of course I did! Though, the round trip walk would be about 45 minutes...uck!
NOT SO...they actually knew of SECRET mini-mart...that was only five minutes away. They said it was HUGE...and SOOO CLEAN...and they had LOTS OF CHOICES.
They lied to me...
There were cats running around the place...food thrown everywhere...old ladies smoking everywhere possible...unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of the inside...but take a look at the outside. It was BY FAR the sketchiest food establishment I've ever been to in my life. Dinosaur BBQ pretends to look dirty...THIS IS THE REAL DEAL.

Though, I will admit...they had an excellent honey cream danish. It was prepackaged...even if they had a bakery, I wasn't risking it. :)
Ok, time for lunch so I'm going to stop this entry here. We had rehearsal after...Kayso bought us danishes afterwards and we feasted like kings. The end!
OOOOOOOOO ACTUALLY NOT THE END. I ran somewhere between 8 and 10 miles yesterday evening. It was my first moderately long run for the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach I'm running in March. I felt REALLY strong the entire run, so that's a great sign. Plus, running around Handa City at night was pretty cool.
Alright, now THE END.
It actually started at about 9AM with Mitchi busting into our room and bobbing around like a boxer about to start a prize fight.
Mitchi: "C'mon, it's a long walk to the farm today!"
Matt: ...rolling over...opening eyes... "I hate you so much right now..."
I thought the day was beautiful, it was probably in the high 50's. It was cold the night before also while we were at the Nagoya Airport...it was funny because this was Hell to Hatchan and the Thai guys. Mate said this was the coldest weather he'd ever felt (high 50's!!!). They were all huddled together and wrapped up in their winter coats. Chris and I laughed because to us, this is nothing...Chris pointed out that in New York it snowed last year in the middle of November. This is actually my favorite time of the year...and the best part about it (and the biggest difference from Ithaca) is that it's still sunny when it's cold!
We were done on the farm by 10:30AM and I thought we might actually be done with work for the day...boy was I wrong.
Junt always jokes around with me saying, "Wait until you get to wash the stones." I THOUGHT he was joking around with me.
Next job...wash the stones. They're rocks??? They're supposed to get dirty...that's what they do! Rocks sit on the ground and collect dirt. If you don't want to get dirty...you don't touch the rocks! When you're done touching rocks, you should wash your hands with soap...BECAUSE THEY'RE DIRTY.
Not here, though. It was a long, grueling process that took maybe three and a half hours. Actually, it wasn't that bad because there were seven us....and a hose...and the weather was cold...so we made a good time out of it.
Here's a picture of Chris and I...cleaning the rocks!

Here is Chris, Lung, Palm, and myself next to one of our more impressive accomplishments of the day. You could eat your lunch off of that thing, it's so clean!

Speaking of lunch and cleaning...we did get a small break to eat. Today's lunch was a noodle soup, with some tuna (and some sort of spicy flavoring), and then papaya - which is delicious - for dessert. Author's Note: Mom, if you could take note of the things I say I love...maybe make a list and then start making them on a regular basis so you are well practiced upon my return...that would be wonderful. Grandma, you can help. Thank you.
Anytime we're done eating, we go into the kitchen and usually clean what we've used in an assembly line type fashion. One person with the soap and sponge, one person rinsing, and an army of dryers and stackers. Here's a smaller group than usual...Mate, myself, Chris, Umeo, and Peng.

After lunch, it was back outside. We had to finish cleaning the rocks, take care of the bridge, and erect a scaffolding so that some of the ladies could come out and prune later in the day. Here's Peng, Mate, and Chris doing said tasks in the garden.

After we finished working, the Thai guys wanted to go to a mini-mart to pick up a few things. They asked if we wanted to go and I was craving chocolate, so of course I did! Though, the round trip walk would be about 45 minutes...uck!
NOT SO...they actually knew of SECRET mini-mart...that was only five minutes away. They said it was HUGE...and SOOO CLEAN...and they had LOTS OF CHOICES.
They lied to me...
There were cats running around the place...food thrown everywhere...old ladies smoking everywhere possible...unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of the inside...but take a look at the outside. It was BY FAR the sketchiest food establishment I've ever been to in my life. Dinosaur BBQ pretends to look dirty...THIS IS THE REAL DEAL.

Though, I will admit...they had an excellent honey cream danish. It was prepackaged...even if they had a bakery, I wasn't risking it. :)
Ok, time for lunch so I'm going to stop this entry here. We had rehearsal after...Kayso bought us danishes afterwards and we feasted like kings. The end!
OOOOOOOOO ACTUALLY NOT THE END. I ran somewhere between 8 and 10 miles yesterday evening. It was my first moderately long run for the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach I'm running in March. I felt REALLY strong the entire run, so that's a great sign. Plus, running around Handa City at night was pretty cool.
Alright, now THE END.
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! When's the audition???
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