Ohayo gozaimasu
That means good morning! Chris and I used the phrase successfully several times already today. We're about to go for a run/exploration of the surrounding area...but I wanted to post some pictures from last night so I could keep updated!
Here's the first sign I saw when I got off the plane in Nagoya...who knows what would have happned with that conveyor belt walkway had pictures not been included. I might have just fed my pant legs right into it.

His is a view of my bed from the doorway. Chris is also staying in here, but we have three beds between the two of us so don't get worried.

Chris, Hatchan, and myself. Check out that chopstick technique and the sweet bibs. If Americans got bibs like that at meals, my mom would have saved many a shirt.

Here are Umeo and Kio about to start cooking our currently raw cow stomach.

Takeshi (Mr. T, Cadet mello 2002, he "pities the fool") and myself in my room. He is living two floors below Chris and I in the same house.
Here's the first sign I saw when I got off the plane in Nagoya...who knows what would have happned with that conveyor belt walkway had pictures not been included. I might have just fed my pant legs right into it.

His is a view of my bed from the doorway. Chris is also staying in here, but we have three beds between the two of us so don't get worried.

Chris, Hatchan, and myself. Check out that chopstick technique and the sweet bibs. If Americans got bibs like that at meals, my mom would have saved many a shirt.

Here are Umeo and Kio about to start cooking our currently raw cow stomach.

Takeshi (Mr. T, Cadet mello 2002, he "pities the fool") and myself in my room. He is living two floors below Chris and I in the same house.

WOW its Takeshi!!! That's amazing!!!
I like how aggressive you are with the blog writing, now I have to do my best to keep up with reading them!
You're awesome, tell Chris Gow I say I love him!
Hopefully I can keep up this voracious blog writing speed!
Chris Gow timidly says, "I love her too...and miss her."
I should fly out and spend the night...
But just one night.
No more!
I'm torn with whether or not I should keep up with a blogger blog... So I can be just like you!
Konnichiwa Matt! It's your long lost sister Jami. Mom just gave me the link to your blog and it looks like you're having a lot of fun in Japan (I'm jealous, lol!). Well I came by to say hi and I look forward to reading more of your adventures (and yes, Mom does need that bib, badly :P).
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