Friday, March 07, 2008

Ghetto-Fabulous in Bangkok

Yo! So here's the dilly (that's slang for dilly-o). My computer charger is being cranky and I need to go out and try to buy a new one! I am currently going through the ULTRA-SLOW process of typing this message letter by letter on my buddy's iPod thingy. Just to easy the minds of my fans, I am having a killer time and am looking forward to sharing my zany adventures with you soon.

The best part of all this is that, because of the 12 hour time zone difference, I am able to stay up through all hours of the night - as demonstrated by my 6AM return last night (this morning?)

The city is beautiful, I'm staying in an incredible 12th floor apartment with way too many balconies (you'd brag too if you were me) and an amazing view of the city. I'm trying a lot of new food...usually mega-spicy, and it's wreaking havoc on my stomach. Also, Wikipedia was right, it is fucking hot (though proximity to the equator is probably a solid tip-off).

I went on a few excursions yesterday, exploring temples, castles, and more than a few seedy bars; and I almost met my untimely death at the hands of about 40 motorbike taxis. Though, perhaps my crowning achievement (and the subject of one of my first blogs once I get a charger) is that there is reason to believe I am currently being pursued by my first "lady-man." I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Well...please do say hello by leaving me a comment! Thanks!!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Let's dust this baby off.


Alright, it's time to get this blog back up in working order. For those of you that followed me here while I was in Japan, "WELCOME BACK!" For those of you that are new here, "WELCOME!"

I leave New York City for Bangkok, Thailand in about 65 hours!

Things have been really busy here so, as is typically the case with me, I am ill-prepared. Not only am I not packed, but I don't even have enough warm-weather clothing to get through a week (let alone the 7 weeks I'll be there).

Don't you be thinking I'll be traveling half way 'round the world, looking like a scrub, though! Hell no. I'm off to the Banana Republic clearance rack tomorrow evening to bulk up my collection.

Speaking of warm weather, the Thai guys I met in Japan told me something very important about their country. They said, "There are three seasons in Thailand: Hot, very hot, and fucking hot." According to wikipedia, I'll be there during "fucking hot."

Thankfully, my mom nagged me enough about getting my vaccinations, to the point that I actually took care of it. After weeks of me saying "Sure, I'll do it," she finally blurted out in a fit of frustration, "FINE! If you die, it's off my conscience." Malaria doesn't jive with me, so I took care of it.

I actually was a little nervous about the needles, but thankfully they look way scarier than they hurt. Once again my mom, in her infinite wisdom, had me looking forward to the shot they "stick in your stomach" (maybe tuberculosis?). Thankfully they decided that wouldn't be necessary. Honestly, I'm not sure if they gave me the tuberculosis vaccination in the arm, if it was the oral vaccination I had, or if I'll actually be going to Bangkok susceptible to this disease that - as wikipedia informs me - "most commonly attacks the lungs (as pulmonary TB) but can also affect the central nervous system, the lymphatic system, the circulatory system, the genitourinary system, bones, joints and even the skin." Choice three sounds rough...but a needle jabbed in my belly sounds worse.

If you recall, or if you scroll down and look at the entries from Japan, this blog will also contain pictures. I don't currently have a battery for my camera, so I'll take care of that tomorrow after work (fundraising and development at a charter school in the Bronx) and my clearance rack shopping spree.

At this point you might be wondering "Why are you going to Thailand?"

Good question. I have answers, but I'd rather do some reading right now. SO that'll be left for tomorrow's entry.

If you've ever blogged, you know it's fun to have people comment. brave, be the first, say hello. It'll keep me motivated!
